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New Year’s Resolutions: Professional Growth

I’m linking up with Amanda at One Extra Degree for Day 3 of New Year’s Resolutions!
Today’s topic is Professional Growth… here are my goals for 2013:
Number 1: Read, Read, Read
Like most teachers, I have a HUGE collection of teacher books–but haven’t always finished all that I’ve started.  This year, I want to add a few new titles to my professional library, and–more importantly–to finish and/or re-read some of my favorites (the ones that inspire me to be a better teacher!)
My favorites for reading:

My favorites for work stations:

My favorites for writing:


Number 2: SHARE class and Wiki pages
My friend Kelly (From Kindergarten with Love) and I started a professional development class for our school division 2 years ago.  It’s called SHARE (Staff Have Awesome Resources (for) Eachother).  It’s been an incredible way to share ideas with other teachers in our large school district (with almost 60 elementary schools, we’re one of the largest in VA).  Essentially, we meet each month (October through April) and teachers bring at least 2 ideas (with samples, photos) for the next month’s topics.  Teachers share books, youtube videos, songs, etc that are used as well.  It’s wonderful to leave each class with fun ways to implement our K-1 SOL standards (Standards of Learning).  After our “share” session, we take a tour of the K/1 classrooms–isn’t it amazing how many ideas you can get from visiting other classrooms!?  Teachers can get recertification points for attending as well… so it’s a win, win!

This year, we added an additional component to our class… a Wiki page.  Kelly had started one with her school team, and loved how it was going–so we started one for SHARE too.  Teachers add their shared documents to a private wiki page, so everyone can access them… plus, it saves the $$ from having to print multiple copies for everyone  (usually 15-20 teachers per class).  I’m lovin’ it so much… that my team started one too!  So, my goals for this year are to improve the SHARE class experience, and make both wikis amazing resources!
Number 3: Blogging and TpT
I cannot tell you the amount of professional growth I’ve experienced from blogging and opening a TpT store.  It’s amazing to think how many teachers across the country I now consider as friends–and truly value their professional feedback and support.  I am truly thankful!  (THANK YOU for your support–a 400 follower giveaway is in the works!!!!)

  and Photobucket

I also feel SO proud to be a part of Blog Hoppin’.  What an incredible group of educators–that are devoted to their students and to supporting other teachers as well!!!

Don’t forget to link up with Amanda to share your goals!!


  • Kate @ EduKate and Inspire December 30, 2012 at 4:07 AM

    Hi Karen! I found you through the linky party 🙂 I absolutely love your concept of SHARE… one of the goals I wrote about actually focuses on sharing with other teachers. I am saving this blog post to remind me to try to start something similar! Congrats on 400 followers, by the way!

    EduKate and Inspire

  • Kelley Cirrito December 30, 2012 at 4:31 AM

    Those look like great books!!! Good luck with all your professional adventures!!

  • Danielle December 30, 2012 at 5:05 AM

    I LOVE In Pictures and In Words! Your SHARE PD sounds awesome. What a great idea! I'm your newest follower. Good luck with all your goals!

    Carolina Teacher

  • Karen Stamp January 1, 2013 at 4:15 AM

    Thanks Kate! It's a wonderful group… we've all learned so much from chatting with each other and sharing ideas!!
    Karen :o)

  • Karen Stamp January 1, 2013 at 4:15 AM

    Thanks so much Kelley!
    Karen :o)

  • Karen Stamp January 1, 2013 at 4:17 AM

    I read it this summer during the book study (but started it later). Be sure to check it out–I think it started on Deedee's blog.
    Karen :o)

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